The 4:13 Journey
A journey for ALL New Mexico youth
Join the 4:13 Journey
Start your journey; finish strong
Taking youth on a journey of discovery, using the spirit of adventure and the challenge of the great outdoors as a catalyst to help them develop strong character so they can reach their highest potential.
Join the 4:13 Ambassadors
Become a 4:13 Champion or Advocate
Members of the 4:13 Ambassadors are our cheerleaders and support system. They play a critical role in making the 4:13 journey possible through advocacy, fundraising, and recruitment.
Why the 4:13 Journey?
The 4:13 Journey comes from Philippians 4:13 – I can do all this through Him who gives me strength. LifeQuest has always wrestled with the question of how to help New Mexico’s youth before they reach the Juvenile system. In the summer of 2020, the vision of an adventure-based Biblical-founded program that not only appeals to youth but gives them a foundation of strong positive character qualities came to LifeQuest’s vice-chairman, Chris Youngblood. Chris says “I have always tried to figure out how to reach them [the youth] earlier, and one night I sat straight up in bed with the idea of using Phillippians 4:13 to teach the youth to Finish Strong using outdoor adventure. I know this came from God with how everything has come together; from the people who have worked to put it together to the youth that have participated and the speed at which the program went from idea to reality.”
Come join us on this adventure.
The 4:13 Journey takes youth on a journey of discovery, using the spirit of adventure and the challenge of the great outdoors as a catalyst to help them develop strong character so they can reach their highest potential.
The 4:13 Journey Cap Stone Event is an opportunity to hike the Grand Canyon.
All youth who have successfully completed the 12-week course are eligible to join LifeQuest on this semiannual hike.